
Showing posts from August, 2015

Author Interview: Adam Howe

Today, I am lucky to do a Q & A with Adam Howe, author of Black Cat Mojo . If you haven't read my review yet, go here: The Dark Reviews . Tell us about the book: 1)  What was your inspiration for Black Cat Mojo ? Check out the story notes at the end of the book for the long version.  Short version?  ‘Weird news’ and ‘dumb crime’ articles.  I started writing these goofy crime/horror stories and something seemed to click. 2)  What made you combine these novelettes into a single book?  The stories have an animal theme, and are unified by noir-ish characters, doomed by their pasts and their own bad decisions.  But for purely mercenary reasons, I required a certain word count for a print version of the book, and I wanted that print version on my shelf! 3)  Where did titles like, Jesus in a Dog’s Ass come from?   There’s a popular slogan for a UK paint brand.  ‘Does exactly what it says it on the tin.’  I was writing about a dog’s ass.  There was no prettying that up.